From 2.0 to 2.1

As of 2.1.0, we’ve deprecated the original FoolFuuka installer repository and changed the folder structure of the FoolFuuka installations.


You will need to create a backup of the following folders or move them to a new location:

  • app/
  • public/foolfuuka/boards/


Depending upon your configuration, you may not need to backup the public/foolfuuka/boards/ directory.

Obtain the Latest Code

You can install the latest stable version of 2.1 by using one of the following methods:

Via Composer

$ composer create-project foolz/foolfuuka foolfuuka 2.1.0
$ cd foolfuuka
$ composer dump-autoload --optimize

Via Source Code

$ git clone foolfuuka
$ cd foolfuuka
$ git checkout 2-1-stable
$ composer install --optimize-autoloader

Copy App Files and Data

You will need to restore the following folders from the backup to the same locations:

  • app/
  • public/foolfuuka/boards/


Depending upon your configuration, you may not need to restore the public/foolfuuka/boards/ directory.